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Topic: NT trivia
00:44 PST

This post was deleted by Zoo Escape Staff on 16-Dec-2018, 20:42 PST

12:40 PST

This post was deleted by ChWaqasAhmed on 14-Dec-2018, 00:38 PST

12:48 PST

This post was deleted by ChWaqasAhmed on 14-Dec-2018, 00:38 PST

04:51 PST

This post was deleted by ChWaqasAhmed on 14-Dec-2018, 00:38 PST

12:00 PST

This post was deleted by ChWaqasAhmed on 14-Dec-2018, 00:38 PST

14:07 PST

This post was deleted by ChWaqasAhmed on 14-Dec-2018, 00:38 PST

00:38 PST
Kindly stick to the topic

I am deleting last 5 posts on the request of the organizer as they are irrelevant to this thread...Kindly post only related to the topic and we can carry our general discussions in other NT related topics. Thanks

00:28 PST

If we had an actual cup, Romania would permanently retire it.
Congratulations to our 3-time winners!
A summary of all our winning teams:

NT1: USA (Itisme, Dadooo, Ricetta, Uahskr)

NT2: CIS (Maidann, Blokhin2, Ehsankatouzian, Carefree)

NT3: Romania (Mariusadi, Lordonny, TATUS_the_BEST, Adicekov)

NT4: Canada (Alain Sam Berger, Lilwarrior, Eagle-tee, Canada)

NT5: Romania (Mariusadi, TATUS_the_BEST, Xcelentu, Joepesci)

NT6: CIS (Maidann, Blokhin2, Ehsankatouzian, Vik777)

NT7: Romania (Mariusadi, TATUS_the_BEST, Xcelentu, Joepesci)

Note that Mariusadi and TATUS_the_BEST are 3-time winners!
Xcelentu, Joepesci, Maidann, Blokhin2 and Ehsankatouzian are two-time winners!

00:38 PST
So close and yet so far

Maziariran has now made it five times to the semi-finals (NT1, NT2, NT4, NT6 and NT7), without making it to the final game!

00:46 PST

A BIG HOORAY for all the winners &
A BIG THANK YOU to John for his initiative, for keeping tracks and everything he did in the past, present and future  
and to his very supportive helping hands BonneChance, Ricetta, ChWaqasAhmed    

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