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Topic: Feature Requests/Site Improvements
13:40 PST

First I want to tell you this a super site ! Very well done ! I want to make a positive suggestion !
I n my language i will say : les dés sont ppipé ! I am sorry to tell you but they are !
I explain, the program controlling the dices, is in made to control the game as close was possible ! I can prove it !
My suggestion is to have a independent program to roll the dice !
Presently I do not try to bit my opponent, I try to be bit the rolls of the dice !
And it is impossible the better than the computer !

14:17 PST

You can prove it? Please do.

18:15 PST

WE have to meet, or talk, I am not to write a book about it !
Listen, my goal is to have better !
Your site is great, a lot of work in it, it is free access, no commercial junk,
I do not want to complain, if I can help to make better, good

When we talk to improve a site, we talk budget !
I got a budget to follow, that life.

19:48 PST

You have my personnel email in my account, contact me

07:07 PST
Virtual dice

I do not know if you did a modification in the program of the rolling dice, but I can tell you every is perfect now, no way we can beat them !

Thank you !

19:38 PST
Suggestions requested by Zoo Escape Staff:

I give one vote for mini-tourneys also.

03:01 PST
Vacation mode in tournaments

Cant something be done in Tournaments about vacation mode. There is people playing in tournament who make only one move at the end of their waiting time, and sometimes just before their time run out, they go on vacation mode for 19 days.

If you go and look after a few days at the persons status, he was online a few hours ago.

This is slowing things down without a real reason.

06:12 PST
Fast games w/chat

Just a suggestion to ZE staff. Try playing a quick game of egyption backgammon at It's not really a quality site like yours, but the way a game is played there, gives me a way to make my suggestion for fast play w/ chat using their site as a visual aid. I don't like playing there, but I do like how the games play. I would like to see ZE build a " fast game room" using similar techniques. If they can do it, I'm confident the ZE staff can do it better! Thanks.

13:34 PST
sorting priority to tournys

I like to play my tourny moves before my other games; but doing so is a bit clunky. I usually open a tab for each tourny game (a few at a time) so I can play them first. Then I close the tabs after one move.

It would be cool if i could check a box next to "backgammon game priority" to queue tourny's prior to other games.

Not a big issue. Low priority. But, it would be nice 


13:36 PST

I figure those vying for the top spot on ladder would like to have this feature with ladder games, because playing frequency is key there.

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