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Topic: Feature Requests/Site Improvements
14:07 PST
backgammon variation

Zoo escape is a very fun website to play, and since i began to use it, i cant stop. And its getting better at any update ! But remember most of us are here to play, not to chat, or to check anything around. So I think the most enjoyable new feature would be some backgammon variation playable games, be sure i will subscribe to play these !! and some day, a live BG game playable feature too ! but variation first, !!  

06:13 PST
Hey ZE

You straited this thread, could you please give us an idea what is on the priority list please.

02:36 PST

live play

3d boards pieces

more textures colours pieces designs

05:02 PST

Why is it that ZE can answer a question about tourneys but cannot give us an update on what is planned in the future. I have completed around 2,000 games and was a paying member for a year. I feel a little respect was earned.

18:08 PST

@skulls: Please accept our apologies for not responding to your earlier post. As a matter of policy, we do not reveal future plans as they are influenced by many factors and can change day to day. We are always working on new features and improvements, and hopefully you will enjoy them when they are made available!

11:30 PST

Damn how long did it take for me to be able to post on the forums? Too long I think. I suggest that if you finish 5 or 10 games you should be able to post.


07:29 PST
Starting new games

When I want to add a lot of new games it is a real pain to have to go through the new game screen every time, allowing adding of multiple games using the same settings would be good....

20:03 PST
Starting new games

"When I want to add a lot of new games it is a real pain to have to go through the new game screen every time, allowing adding of multiple games using the same settings would be good..."

Until then, after you click "start game" you can hit 'back,' and then hit 'start game' again. repeat. Settings will stay in place.

04:17 PST
Starting new games

Yeah I know, kind of clunky though, seems like such a simple change

03:33 PST

I don't think it's that a player can decide whom to be challanged just for the cause to not risk on ranking if looser

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