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Topic: Feature Requests/Site Improvements
07:43 PST
tournaments without problems....

right now I'm playing the tournament 13 Group 7 .. and I want to point out
the fact that in my group else is a player (agwhthd) which until now lost their first 6 games because he has not made any move, and now he woke up and continued to play with me ..
I think players like that should be excluded immediately from the tournament ...

03:56 PST
Game type - nackgammon

Under game type, it would be nice to know which are nackgammon games. Perhaps an "NC" for nackgammon with cube and just an "N" for nackgammon?

01:43 PST

Hey, if you customize your list you can put 'Game Type' next to 'V' for version and it gives you the info you need  

12:51 PST

Thanks Dragonia!

13:55 PST
Nackgammon ladder

nackgammon ladder is starting. It says players will be sorted via their ratings. Is it the ratings in nackgammon games to date or in non-related ratings of all games.

17:26 PST

This post was deleted by igorgetmeabrain on 12-Nov-2010, 18:44 PST

09:59 PST
Virtual dice

I am sorry I am french, so I will write in french.
Je vous félicite, le ste est très bien pensé et interressant pour un mordu du backgammon comme moi. De très bonnes statistiques, des challenges super plaisant.

Pour moi, le but d'un jeu virtual, c'est qu'il soit le plus prêt de la réalité, de la vrai vie.
Pourquoi que j'ai souvent l'impression que les sont ''pipé''.
Donc ma suggestion : Est possible d'avoir des dés virtual qui ne sont pas virtual ????

14:49 PST

This post was deleted by igorgetmeabrain on 18-Nov-2010, 14:53 PST

14:54 PST

Je suis désolé mais je ne parle pas français très bien.
"pipé" - qu'est-ce que ça veut dire en Anglais?
Voulez-vous dire que les dés ne sont pas aléatoires?
Les jets de dés sont complètement aléatoires.

Vous pouvez voir les statistiques ici:

De plus, votre personnel statistiques dés sont sur votre page de profil.

J'espère que c'est utile, mais si vous repérez une évolution inhabituelle nous le faire savoir.

17:38 PST
Virtual dice

Sorry, pipé is in slag, mean they are not fare.
You have to undestand I said I got the impression of ....
I did not say they are ....
I have the strong feeling, the virtual dice are not fare.
Not just on your site
I find your site 2 weeks ago. I play almost 500 games !
You are right about your statistique table, I look at it very closely.
For now let keep the subjet on the ice ! I will review a lot of my game (good or bad)
To make a short story, I wiil check it, because I love to play backgammon, I find your site super, very very good player,
So next time I come back to the subject,that will be with games to prove it or not !

Keep up the good work !
Thank you for the answer
Yes I speak english but is a lot easier for me in french

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