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Topic: Feature Requests/Site Improvements
10:45 PST
Feature Requests/Site Improvements

While we already have a long to-do list of new features, we wanted to make sure we don't miss anything, so we thought we'd ask you what you'd like to see added and/or improved on our site. Let's dedicate this thread to such ideas so they can all be in one place.

We look forward to your suggestions!

04:19 PST

This post was deleted by djd9668 on 23-May-2013, 14:29 PST

03:27 PST
Another message style request

I'm totally with making the messages more viewable, even with the little bubble I still occasionally miss them!
Also wondering if it's possible to make the messages auto send when you make your move, a number of times I've written a message only to forget to send and lost it(this may be me being used to sites where messages go automatically on moves and I do appreciate being able to message pre move too as you can here). I love the site and the extra features make it more and more fun  

04:48 PST
Mini Tournaments

The site is becoming boring as there is so few ways to compete. Prsonally I have completed almost 2,000 games and never seen, looked for, or answered a messge. I could care less.

11:40 PST

I totally agree with djd and Capricorn. Missing sometimes the reactions or forget to push the send button. When I've the board on my screen I only can see the messages when I scroll down. Am I right that messages disappear automatically after finishing the game??
When I'm looking for a certain message I can't find it anymore.

And when you react on a message in the end of the game and you the last moves are made automatically the other person doesn't see it most of the time.

Compliments and thanks for all the extra features made the last few months.

12:17 PST

Mini-tournaments same as gameknot for chess...

But i'm not a member - don't know if my suggestion counts.
Thxs anyway.

00:27 PST
What's New

Hey...good job on all the upgrades...just found the 'unrated' games under 'What's New'...excellent... But would it be possible to have the 'What's New' link somewhere sits almost at the bottom of one page (?). As a member I'd love to be able to access the 'What's New' more easily.

One vote for mini-tourneys.
One vote for real-time games.
One vote for message shift even tho I prefer to use the main message system.

10:50 PST

Suggestions from all users are appreciated and considered!

13:03 PST
@zoo escape staff

Thxs for the consideration.
Great work with the site. And getting better step by step.

13:46 PST
Messages today. First one I received since an overnight

First one I received since an overnight "upgrade (?)" Also the reply I made. Words are separated by a bunch of gobbly gook stuff. Not messages at the bottom of the board. The ones going through message tab. Unique to me or others as well?

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