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Move your chips off the Backgammon board before you opponent does.
A player's turn is two moves determined by two dice rolled by the computer (or four moves if doubles occur on the dice).
The player moves their chips counter-clockwise on the board.
Clicking on a point containing your chips moves one chip the number of pips on the first die, then clicking on another (or same) point containing the player's chips moves one chip the number of pips on the second die.
Clicking on either die swaps them, resetting the board if any move was made.
Clicking on an inactive area of the board resets the board.
Once all possible moves are made, if any, click the 'Submit' button to end the turn.
If a player's turn is not made within the designated time period, they forfeit the Backgammon game.
A chip can only be moved to a point with no chips, to a point with the player's chips, to a point with exactly one opponent's chip, or to the player's home.
If the player moves a chip to a point containing exactly one opponent's chip, the opponent's chip is hit and moved to the bar in the middle of the board.
The player must complete all available moves.
If the player can move only one chip for either die, the player must play the higher die.
If the player cannot move a chip for either die, player's turn is passed.
All chips on a bar must be moved into play before any other chips can be moved.
The player can only bear off chips when all of their chips are in their home board.
When bearing off, a die can only be used for a chip on the farthest point.
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