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Topic: Doubles
19:27 PST

Just finished playing a game where my opponent threw 7 doubles in the last 10 throws.

Makes you think - doesn't it???

I reckon one has a better chance of winning the lotto (twice in a row)...........

17:15 PST

the problem with random dice generators when you play so many games in a short period of time is any pattern seems like the whole system lost its randomness.

case in point.. 3 days ago i got 3 66's in a row in one game.. went to next game got another.. went to next game got a 41 went to next game another 66.. to me it would seem like the random dice generator hit 4 66s in a row and then a 5th two moves later, but to the servers the game is on maybe there were 300 dice rolls played by other players in between my first two 66's ..

still theres always lady luck. some days she shines on us and some days she grinds her heels in your... well.. you get it  

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