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Topic: I don't understand how ratings points are awarded for wins/l
09:09 PST
I don't understand how ratings points are awarded for wins/losses.

I appear to improve by 3, 4, or 5 ratings points when I win a game simply. More, of course, when I gammon or backgammon an opponent. How are the ratings points awarded?

09:10 PST

This post was deleted by hermosakota on 03-Mar-2013, 09:35 PST

18:56 PST

theres a more detailed explanation in the faqs section but basically the wider the gap between you and your opponent the more points.. the smaller the gap the less points. cubes are factored in before the final calculation so its not 2x 4x , etc.. same thing with gammons and backgammons .. its more like (their rating)-(your rating)/(your rating)x cube value X gammon value X some other factor used in backgammon ratings for years = increase/descrease

18:57 PST

oh and if you click on the persons user profile you can figure out the points you would gain using the calculator towards the bottom of their rating info

09:10 PST
I don't understand how ratings points are awarded for wins/losses.

Thank you for your answers.

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