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Topic: 28 rating pt drop on ONE loss? 1679 to 1651.. Is something w
13:12 PST
28 rating pt drop on ONE loss? 1679 to 1651.. Is something wrong with that?

22-Mar-2011 1646 nikims 1620 Lost -1 23
22-Mar-2011 1651 falkirk 1576 Lost -1 26 NG
22-Mar-2011 1679 marije 1588 Lost -1 22
22-Mar-2011 1686 nammick 1613 Won +1 19

On bit of a small losing streak here, but has anyone ever had a 28 rating point drop after one match?

This wasn't a doubling cube match, just a regular very close Nackgammon Ladder match.

14:12 PST

Thank you for reporting this problem! We are happy to report that the problem has been fixed and had only affected a few players. We will make adjustments to the ratings of the affected players.

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