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Topic: error challenging
07:43 PST
error challenging

Dear ZE,
strange thing.....reacted on a challenge in "join a (nackgammon) game" .
when it opens, and I did it several times, I get to see the game but instead of my name and the challenger there's another name instead of mine and the first roll is already done.
the challenge is still there in the "join a game" list
an error in the programm??

and....thanks for adding Nackgammon, it's fun to play!! is it possible to get those games shown in the gamelist and past game list as N or NG?? now it's hard to see how many of them are won or lost.
thanks and best regards, Cheeselet

05:22 PST

Yeah this happened to me as well. Same thing, couldn't join the game.

10:58 PST

It's more likely to get fixed quickly if you contact ZE directly, rather than posting it on the forum.

13:09 PST

Thank you for letting us know of this problem you've encountered; we are working on it. As igorgetmeabrain states, it is faster to get problems of this nature resolved by using the contact us directly by using the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.

To view the variation type of the game in your active games list, add 'Variation' from the Customize page. For and it's listed under the 'V' column in the game history.


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