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10:30 PST

Since a couple of days, on some games my dices are already "rolled" (without the "roll dice" usual link). It might no change much, but apart the fact that it is quite bothering (as long as you have a visible bug, you start to doubt the rest) it makes me think that one of my intuition about your system might true : that ALL the rolls one one game are already made before the game actually starts...
Does anybody experience the same and has anyone an idea about the "theory" ?
Good luck to everyone,

15:23 PST

How can all the rolls be made in a game before the game starts? There's no telling how long a game will last, for a start... I see no logic or sense in this being the case either.
Have you checked your 'preference' settings? Perhaps 'automatic dice rolls' have become activated somehow. I always have this option turned on, so I never have to roll the dice manually when I play, unless I'm playing a cube game of course.

15:40 PST
i think

I think the rolls are done as soon as the player goes. That is because if the player is on auto roll, and I have them trapped on the bar, if they cannot play I know immediately after my roll, and it's my turn again. I think this is the case no matter what, meaning that if you do not have auto roll enabled, you will roll the same thing as if you did. Your roll is already "done", you just can't see it yet.

Does that seem right?

23:18 PST
computers is fast

It only takes a fraction of a second for the server to spit out a random number.

16:53 PST

go into your own setting you can choose to change the rolling dice setup, you can choose to roll them on your own every time. I don't think every rolls are completed for every game that begins. I think rolling are like getting made the second after your opponent submit his current move. If you choose to roll or offer cube, your rolling must not be affected by it, so it must be choose before any cube offer.If not, maybe cube can affect it somehow, after all the rolling dice system is only a cpu program.And im pretty sure that a perfect program system without any glitch is very expensive. To get one that is, must cost good money and there, its still a cpu program and in my opinion, you can never build one that will provide pure luck.

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