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Topic: tournament question
19:48 PST
tournament question

Why is it tournaments are so slow to run? That is, why do we wait for games to end that have no ultimate meaning to the outcome (2 people who do not have a chance to win or even tie their bracket). I think round 2 of tournament 11 is waiting for such an outcome - so I was just curious, no worries

20:02 PST

Tournament rounds are updated once each weekday. If there are games that will not affect the outcome, the round is ended. You should see that the current round of tournament 11 will be over by tomorrow (Pacific Time).

14:25 PST
Tourney 12

This first round has been going on for months!

How about stricter time-limits on moves or something, this is ridiculous!

I'm hoping that round two will be a little snappier, with more serious players. I just can't believe I made it to the second round!

07:17 PST
usually takes 2 months

Tournament 12 is not unusual. If you look at other tournaments, the first round usually takes about two months to complete. With 100+ players, there's going to be someone who takes a vacation or only moves every day or two. That's the advantage of playing online.

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