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Topic: Nations Tournament 9?
This message thread has been closed for new posts by Zoo Escape Staff on 01-Oct-2020, 22:38 PST.
16:43 PST
team usa

I will join team USA-4

16:43 PST

Powacket, I don't think it has started. I have maybe got Gusgus to join the team.

09:20 PST
Herding cats

hi rio sorry for the confusion, post before mine yesterday was reporting results. If you need me to round out the team I'll play

14:24 PST

Thank you powacket, I saw that with beetroot and whoever was the one making the post. I understand, you're concerns. Best.

14:30 PST

would ChWaqasAhmed Ortopod and Mbeh132 be willing to unite into a South Asia team with me? Or we could call it Iran/Pakistan/Turkey?

17:26 PST
The Rules

Hey everyone!

I've put together the shell for the 9th tournament. At the bottom of *every* page on the site are the Rules for the tournament. Please take a moment to review them.

Also, please ignore the large blank spaces or incomplete teams, or teams we may not have this go-round. I'll move things around once the teams are finalized, but if I do it now, I'll inevitably have to do it again.  

The pages from the previous tournaments are also available if you are new and want to see how this plays out. Additionally, on the Home page there is a history of the tournaments which Yiannakos has put together and is a fun read.

07:40 PST
Canada 2

Sorry. Please take me off the team.,

06:27 PST
Team UK

Hi all, I'm ready to take part

13:36 PST
USA1 and others

Stick me on any team and I am ready to roll. Addressing the speed of the game, I propose a promise from all that they will endeavor to play this tournament in the fastest way possible putting a higher priority on the games. No penalties just a sportsman's or sportswoman's best effort.

17:30 PST

Ricetta the second "n" in my moniker, rondango, is missing. I really need the dango.

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