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Topic: Feature Requests/Site Improvements
12:49 PST

I would like to get the answer to my question on my home page ,not on my E mail.Usually it get lost for some reason.

12:50 PST

I would like to get the answer to my question on my home page ,not on my E mail.Usually it get lost for some reason.

13:35 PST

This post was deleted by Zoo Escape Staff on 20-May-2011, 14:33 PST

06:14 PST
Send / submit

This is a re-post of my previous message since it is technically a site improvement request...

The last post regarding comments and 'chatting' was over a year ago, so I think its probably pretty safe to say that the introduction of the 'chat' feature on ZE has gone over pretty well. Or at least there aren't the rampant abuses of it that some feared. Well done, ZE!

And the introduction of the 'friends' feature is also appreciated. I know that I've been chatting with several ZE friends here that have turned into actual friends. Its a small world...

How many times has anyone else typed a lengthy (or even not so lengthy) reply to a chat, made your move, hit submit, and then realized that you didn't hit 'send' and its gone? I realize that it wouldn't take much for us to get by with the system as it is, but could hitting 'submit' for your move, ALSO act as the 'send' for the chats? Pretty please???

Anyone else? Bueller? Bueller?

06:39 PST
Re: send/submit

Pokhra is right!
I vote for this!

07:16 PST
Submit move also sends message

I agree!

I would love to see this improvement!

09:01 PST

It is good to know some one takes time on this subject.

09:55 PST
Excellent suggestion regarding the submit button.

Many times I have typed messages out to a friend then played my moves and click Submit without hitting the Send button! Having the Submit button also send chat would be most welcome!

11:19 PST
Pretty Please Zooescape

For all us pea brains that can't remember to press "send" when messaging I would also welcome "submit" automatically sending messages.

14:21 PST
Please confirm

Dear ZE Team,
Please confirm at least that you have read the last suggestion. Deatailed proposition and support from several other players (premium players moreover) deserves at least a little note from you, I suppose...
Be nice to us  

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