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Topic: Feature Requests/Site Improvements
06:35 PST
Tournament completions:

See my thread about tournaments, please.

15:21 PST

How cool would it be if you got your rival +/- and maybe your record whenever you held your mouse over someone's name. Got this idea while mousing over names on the ladder. Totally unnecessary, but it'd be sweet.

00:25 PST

not sure about this one but every time play via my phone i'm getting loading errors, mostly the main page for backgammom pages loads twice and is blank the second time. Every thing else seems ok. I'm using a nokia 5800 with its native browser and with opera mini, it seems to be java errors but only started a month or so ago. Does anyone else have similar issues?

05:17 PST
Pip count/ Dice count

Would be nice to have the final total of dice count for each side stored as part of the end game stats. Sometimes you just get blown out by excessive doubles and it would be nice to see that in the game history. The difference between the remaining pip count and the total dice count for each player might make interesting reading.

04:29 PST
Limit on games not started

I would love to see the number of games not started doubled for those of us with the ability to play 300 games. It would make it easier to reach. Sometimes you can wait days for a challenge to be accepted.

I'd also like to add that this is an excellent site which is updated/improved upon quite regularly (often subtly).

Thanks, Mike

13:38 PST
Limit on games not started

I'll second Madmike's comment. I've never understood why there is a limit on the number of challenges one player can have - either against another player (just one), or against anyone (a total of five).

Why is there a limitation? If I want to use up my allotted games on challenges that nobody is responding to, shouldn't that be my prerogative to do so? If I want to send a player four challenges, why should I not be allowed to?

If there's something obvious that I'm overlooking, please let me know. Otherwise, it comes across as simply arbitrary.

22:13 PST

This post was deleted by Zoo Escape Staff on 05-Apr-2011, 11:39 PST

04:26 PST
Improvement on My Challenge Criteria settings

In addition to the: "Only allow opponents with forced turns enabled" checkbox, I suggest making a second checkbox:

"Challenge Criteria do not apply to Friends"

Personally, I would like those on my friends list to be able to join my waiting room games, even if they don't qualify for my criteria.

My 2c...

06:16 PST

I agree w/Saurus on the last note.

07:41 PST

Just to clarify, I meant for my post to mean that friends should be able to join games in the "Join Backgammon Game" waiting room list if I tick the checkbox, even if they don't meet the minimum criteria.

At the moment, even "Friends" cannot join those games if they don't meet the requirements.

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