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Topic: Nations Tournament 9?
This message thread has been closed for new posts by Zoo Escape Staff on 01-Oct-2020, 22:38 PST.
07:30 PST

I just don’t like slow players..It is disrespectful..Don’t join a team and be a part of a tourney if your intension is to analyse every throw and drag it out until it might suit you.. To me it is beyond is utter boolsheet....I was reluctant to get involved in this but a friend changed my mind...I will bite my tongue and see how it rolls..

08:35 PST

Agree agree agree
Thats why... there is BBL  

10:04 PST

Can u explain what possible benefits we can get by intentionally delaying a game?
There is no rule for time limit in NT so I am playing on my own pace, there is life beyond ZE also if ther would hv been any limitations then definitely I wouldn't have joined..
And 2nd what do u mean by same old? I have played in past 8 NT tourneys and was always one of the fastest player...this time I have some personal issue and just 1 game is pending and that too with a player who was on vacations himself and btw what difference it makes to u?
Are u involved in our group and pz learn to respect others... Thanks

10:06 PST
@cheating debate

I don't think its possible on ZE that a single player manipulates some games..

Otherwise I am losing very badly in recent tourneys and can blame on cheating🤣
Enjoy playing BG

01:40 PST

Okey dokey mate I think I should clear up this misunderstanding ..I will address your 2nd question the top I put ‘same old story’..was not in any way directed at you and your good team..It is very important that you guys understand that...I never know what to put in that space..I checked out the latest results,which I don’t do everyday ,and saw some games were not progressing much in match day one and we were into match day two and you guys,and others seemed to be bogging down a bit....honestly Waqas my comment was said tongue in cheek...a bit of a rev up ,friendly sledging in the tourney..hence the cricket comment,..After I hit the post button I actually said to myself..I hope that doesn’t get taken the wrong way..but we are..My sincere apologies my misdirected humour does not always hit the mark...However I have had a bit of a think about your comments and I do realise and am aware of life outside of BG..In this COVID times people have more urgent and pressing issues to deal with than a board game...I get a bit forgetful about this lately..we have been very lucky and mostly unaffected in my part of the world so life is mostly back to normal in my life..thankfully..I have been on this site for many years and made some enemies that I’m aware of...well a few unfriendlies 🙂 ..not expecting a Christmas card from Blockin..ha..and It is not and never has been my intension to insult or cause anguish to any other person on this site..Not My Go....I have had a change of heart however..I guess there is no reason for me to expect everyone to play as quick as I say sorry to all and move when you can👍..P.S...I posted that message 6 days ago and I still see no advance in some let’s not get on our moral high horses here ha ha😀

12:33 PST
Play fast

The rules clearly urge players to play fast and respect their opponents.

My instructions are always to challenge to 3-day games. That is more than enough time. There is no excuse for 7- and 9- day games.

As for holidays / vacations, the rules state: "Should a team's player withdraw from further competition or leave on holiday (vacation) for more than one week, he should decline the games in any match and inform his team's captain of his decision".

Be considerate... or else!

13:01 PST
Play fast

"Be considerate... or else!"

Else what? Nothing, nada, zilch. Just saying

13:12 PST

The "or else!" part really makes me wanna be inconsiderate! Threats usually bring the wrong result. Just saying.

13:20 PST

It would be great if everyone could display courtesy in communications. I just want to have fun playing and not get involved in any name calling nor accusations. Remember it is not obligatory to respond to posts you don't like; just scroll onward.

15:25 PST

This post was deleted by Differentname on 24-Sep-2020, 09:10 PST

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