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Topic: Tournament of Champions #3, Sign up Request Forum
12:30 PST

This post was deleted by abriscoe on 27-Aug-2013, 12:31 PST

12:34 PST
Tie Breaker for 8th Place

Wanted to clarify the tie-breaker for 8th place and how it was computed.

Because there were more than 2 people tied for the last spot, oldman, lilwarrior, and myself, it went from head to head results to the 2nd tie-breaker which is the point differential.

I beat lilwarrior 5-3 and oldman 6-4. Oldman beat lilwarrior 5-2, so based on the point differential in the related games between the tied parties, I win the tie-breaker for the final spot.

There still exists the possibility for another tie, which would impact the placement. That is the only thing holding up the playoff brackets, 2 games involving Zulu.

13:14 PST
Tie Breaker

I like the way we broke ties in the last tourney, but then again, I may be a little biased.  

13:28 PST
I understand how you feel lilwarrior!

I think this is a good example of why we need new leadership every tourney; different viewpoints, different perspectives.

I think you would be great as our next host and humbly submit your name to the masses.
What say you lilwarrior, will you consider being the host for TC#4?

13:33 PST

If we divide up the responsibilities, then I am fine with that. As I see it so far, there are several tasks:

1) Oversee disputes - peacemaker role
2) Assemble results into a spreadsheet
3) Post results on webpage
4) Determine rules for tourney

Any more?

I am willing to do #1 and #4. I think #3 could be a role all by itself. That would leave #3 possibly to Kumara each time, which by that time seems quite simple, no?

13:43 PST
Perfect! TC#4!

I think Chwaq has volunteered to do #2 (which he can forward to the leaders), and Kumara has already said he would do #3, so there you go!

13:45 PST

Oops - I meant to say that #2 is a role all by itself.

20:57 PST
Agreed with every point

Thanx lilwarrior

i reckon its been enough time,so don't wait for an other player to step forward for host...

lilwarrior is our final host for Tourney 4  

just start a new thread for Tourney 4 sign up requests/other tourney details ASAP and i will inform other players about it through PM...

21:08 PST
Tourney 4

Is it agreed to start #4 right away? I recommend a start date of Sept.15.

21:38 PST

15th Sept will b too late...

i think 7 or 10 days from now on will be enough....

lets hear what others say....but final call is urs  

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