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Topic: Tournament of Champions #3, Sign up Request Forum
10:57 PST
Not complaining

Everything is clear for me.
But I was not complaining.
Question about 5 or 6 was legitimate.
At the same time I cleared to chwawsahmed, that he can openly talk about our games if he thinks something is wrong. He seemed to have doubts about it....

11:12 PST
It is incumbent on us as players.... read and understand all of the rules before we play our first game. The issues that are currently being discussed are clearly stated in the rules for T3 (click on 'Format' on KK's results board). Abriscoe and the KK have set a great example for other hosts to follow. Let's help them as best we can by reading and understanding the rules. Abriscoe has given us a thoughtful way to handle things privately which is also stated in the rules. If folks believe that the dead cube or Crawford Rule should be eliminated or adjusted, there is always the opportunity to host the next or future T's, and to clearly spell out the rules as Abriscoe has done. But let's give each host the courtesy of reading, understanding, and following their rules for each particular T. Just doing this simple thing will likely answer most questions. If not, just shoot Abriscoe an email. I know from personal experience he will be glad to help you.  

02:06 PST
Happy Camper!

As someone who has to read every result in order to keep the table up to date, I would just like to congratulate everyone for the positive and sporting way everyone has posted their results and responded to any questions I have had. I get the feeling we are all enjoying the new dimension these tournaments bring to ZooEscape. I am in the process of developing some questions for voting on. stay tuned.


02:57 PST
It's Voting Time

Time to have your say. Check out to show your preference.

It automatically jumbles up responses so read all options carefully. Results are not binding but may guide future Tournament Hosts. Feel free to suggest other questions.


07:06 PST
New Poll

I asked The Kid to put together some Polls to help guide future hosts in deciding their format for their Tournaments. It was nice for me going into TC3 knowing how everyone felt about how to handle Resignations/Eliminations knowing the results of the poll from TC2.

All of this is just a guidance for future hosts. You as a future host may want to set up something with different parameters altogether.

On the # of games in a Round Robin question, I think he meant to say points, not games.

Also, for the new people, the poll is on Kumara Kids website, on the far right across the Headers you will see Polls (for those that don't use the link). Also, you can only vote once, the format recognizes you the first time you vote and won't let you vote again. You may not like any of the options presented, in that case I would say pick the one that most closely represents your desire.

21:42 PST
Surprising results about crawford rule


guys keep in mind if there is no crawford rule
then after the result of 4-0 in ur favor

u possibly can lose MATCH in very next game,if doubling cube is in the game
what ur opponent has to lose ????so definitely he/she will double u in every case 

16:18 PST
The Homeward Stretch!

The Scoreboard is filling up very nicely, let's keep those results flowing in. 18 days left or 2.5 weeks. I don't want to have to eliminate anybody at the deadline and right now it doesn't look like I will have to. Keep the pressure on your opponents with the cube when you can, that will speed some of these matches up.

Also, make sure you let your voice be heard as The Kid said, and vote in the polls he set up. I think we still have 17 people left to vote. Like we say in America, if you didn't vote, you have no right to complain. Trust me, future hosts will look at these poll results.

15:01 PST
Poll Questions

Just realized we have different numbers of answers on the poll questions, which means some of you may not realize there are 5 questions altogether. Some of you answered the first question and then stopped, not realizing there were more. If you get a chance, go back and complete the survey, very interested to see the final results.

21:44 PST
new suggestion

in result section i was noticing every 2nd post says this game was very close, and it was nail biting...

Why not we choose 1 game or 2,3 games after every round, entitled as "Best game of the round"  

players will send links of their best games(no flood of games pz) to Tourney host
And then Tourney host will discard few games and decide which games will go for further voting..

23:04 PST

Sorry Chwaq, not even close on this one.

The last game of my match with Yiannakos was hands down the craziest I have ever seen in a backgammon game. Should have been over on the 25th roll but it went to 46 rolls. He was either going to win the match 7-1 (which he did), or I was going to win it 5-3. In Yiannakos's own words, "This is the daftest game I have ever played".

And to think that now I probably won't make the final 8 in my own Tournament because I just needed 1 more victory! ARGH!

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