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Topic: Nations Tournament 9?
This message thread has been closed for new posts by Zoo Escape Staff on 01-Oct-2020, 22:38 PST.
03:40 PST

Blochin2 Captain
4-th member will be announced

05:04 PST
To yannakis

Team name: CCCP


09:00 PST

Sure dear, u can play with us as 4th player

ECO...was founded by Pak, Turk and Iran leaders in 1985😎 so lets revive that friendship in BG also

09:23 PST
joining ChWaqasAhmed

I have been given OK to join the team but am not sure what it is called.

17:05 PST
new format discussion

Here's a thread that will discuss a new format for NT9

08:18 PST

If we keep things the way they are, we have 16 teams.

However, if Veggiepork moves to the Pakistan team, then we have Mbeh132 and Ortopod by themselves and we will need to continue our registration.

Can Maziariran or Mbeh132 not find two of their friends to join our tournament?

08:45 PST
choice of team

I'll play on (almost) any team that wants me, and I can be assigned to balance the field. This will be my first tournament.

00:10 PST
Number of teams ?

After having approached the Dutch team players this July and anticipating on what I had learned during last years recruitment process, when in August a Dutch player unexpectedly turned uo, after a 4 person Dutch-Australian team had been formed, I decided to give the Dutch players the necessary space and to focus on an intense programme myself.

On Sunday evening I had a four players team consisting of two Dutch and two Australian players. Yesterday evening a Dutch player answered and probably another Dutch players wants to come back too.

Before throwing around everything again, I would like to know whether the NT9 has the space to split the KLM-A team into a Dutch and a Commonwealth team, as I know that here is a Canadian player who would love to join the NT but has not been able to form a team by herself.

01:47 PST
Player for sale

From the last post, I feel that I should step down from the Dutch team to allow the fully Dutch players an opportunity to play.

So, my services are available to any team that needs a competent player (56% BG win rate and 57.5% overall) to fill out a team. Normally, I'm not cheap, but this time I'm willing to sign up for zero dollars, euros, yen, yuan or bitcoins.

Just let me know if you need an extra player.  

02:40 PST
@ 3-4-5

If 3 players in a team are allowed, can't 5?
If "Y" - gem001 is welcome in our team  
I can't ignore such a good offer - it costs me almost no money  

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