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Topic: Tournament of Champions #3, Sign up Request Forum
05:16 PST
dead cube rule

Padajp your logic is fine and that would be the case if the Dead Cube rule wasn't in place, but it is. That was abriscoes decision on setting up the tournament. Someone could just as easily run the tournament without the Dead Cube rule and your actions would be fine. This tournament clearly said Dead Cube rule was in place so the extra double should not have been placed. There are pluses and minuses for either way but the idea was to prevent confusion and state at the start of the tournament that the Dead Cube rule was in place. Regardless we are all learning and the final outcome can be recorded as 6- 1 if need be.

05:20 PST
abriscoe (tourney host) has the final say

i hv asked padajp to with hold the result.....
if he is right then it will b 10 in his favor but if i m right then his victory should count 6
so i think it tie will decide on the previous scores... 

lets abriscoe decide whatever he decide...i will b OK for me  

06:30 PST
KK is spot on.... his explanation of the dead cube. There are things not to like about the Crawford Rule as well but we all have to play within the rules that are clearly spelled out by each T host.

06:43 PST
I posted the result as 5:0

Still I think the rule of Dead Cube should be reconsidered.

16:10 PST
Dead Cube

For the purposes of this tournament as KK ad Uahskr mentioned, the dead cube is in play with one of the tie-breakers being the point differential. Future tourneys can be spelled out differently from the beginning, but here the dead cube is in play so Pada should not have been able to double to 8.

Also, the way I understood it, then final score should read 6-0, not 5-0, right guys?

21:49 PST
Thanks every1

Whole tourney was going in a nice way and i didn't want to become the 1st person to spoil it.....  
But every thing is sorted very well...thanks to u guys
and Padajp, thank u also....I hope u will not mind for reporting this issue here
as i promised i didn't mention ur name and i hv already accepted ur theory
i just wanna clear thing for every body's sake in future tourneys  

yah it should b 6-0
i hv already posted the correction in results thread.....Thank u every1

Hail to the Tourney 3  

01:28 PST
5 or 6

Is there a difference between 5:0 or 6:0?
Do the points matter in the final counting?
I thought a victory was just a victory...
No problem for me. There was a problem and should be resolved.
And there is no problem to mention my nick if there is a problem. I am adult and take responsability for my actions. If I brake rules - I have to accept consequences.
I hope everybody understands that breaking any rule was not my intention.
And if I suggest to reconsider the dead cube rule it is only because I think that it limits the strategic possibilities

01:31 PST
5 or 6

Is this really a big deal? Watching this thread, I'm thinking, "Ah, no intent, no foul." I hope no one out there is taking offence to something that seems to me to be pretty minor.

Keep it fun everyone!

10:43 PST
Clarification on Points and other Issues

The only reason to bring this up is because later on points could be the deciding factor on the tie breaker after head to head results (so yes there could possibly be a difference between 5 or 6 points later on) and I want everyone to know this ahead of time, which is why I had the Kid post the tournament rules on his website under Format. I hope everyone will take the time to check that part of his site out.

I agree, no harm, no foul, now we know.

The other thing I would like to point out, is like I have said earlier, to keep things more enjoyable for the group as a whole, let's keep small issues like this out of the public domain and just shoot me a private message and let's take care of it privately between just the involved parties. If I need to send out a broad teaching message to the group clarifying an issue, I can do that later. That should be something the Tournament Host (whoever it may be at that time) deals with and let's not involve the group as a whole.

Keep those matches rolling!

10:48 PST
Abriscoe's request is excellent

Matthew 18 - Jesus talking:

15 If your brother wrongs you, go and show him his fault, between you and him privately. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother.

16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two others, so that every word may be confirmed and upheld by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

17 If he pays no attention to them, tell it to the church (in our case our little band) and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a pagan and a tax collector.

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