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Topic: Ladder
15:38 PST
Re: Flaw in Ladder challenges

Thanks for clearing that up, it was the icon that threw me off. I see now that the wording shows the Tournament games are from the 3 other players. Possibly showing a different icon may help short sighted fools like me  

17:02 PST
Ladder challenge icon

You probably noticed a new icon for ladder games  

11:28 PST
Ladder variability

Kudos to the Ladder! Though I find that it is difficult to stay up higher, as I keep getting challenged by those of you over 100 pts below, I think it's worth the risk. More games (woot woot), and I get to play more people without it being too many.

Anyways, I have a suggestion. It seems to me that the rankings are jumping to quickly.

I think the 1/10th rule is too much. If there's, conceivably, 1000 people in the ladder, that means someone 100 places below me could challenge me. Perhaps decreasing this number, or setting a max # of placings would help.

That's it!

And I hope chat or comments come soon. I'd like to get to know some of you better. It seems only appropriate after so much time in the trenches, sparring and duking it out.


15:32 PST
Ladder challenges

The question mark symbol is a great addition identifying players that either have the maximum ladder games or are above/below the limits allowed. However, is it possible to add the question mark symbol to the players you're already playing? It can be frustrating to see a possible challenge, click on their name, select challenge and then be told that you're already playing that person. Thanks!

22:13 PST
Challenge issue

I click on challenge in the ladder and am told that they are playing the maximum number of games. Can the possibility of challenge not only take into account whether people are playing the maximum number of ladder games, but the maximum allowed them in total (i.e. 25 or 100)

08:16 PST
Re: challenge issue


Opponent unable to start a new game since they are already playing their maximum number of games.


05:18 PST
Max challenges

I have 9 ladder games in progress and my limit is 5. That's fine I understand that. I can make as many challenges as I want but people can't challenge me if I am playing five or more.

The ladder is pretty booked up despite ZE having upped the number of places above and below that people can challenge.

My suggestion is this: Can the limit be the number of games you are challenged to and not the number of games we are playing. So if I am playing 9 games and six of those are people I challlenged and I have set my limit at 5 it means that 3 of the 9 games I am playing in I was challenged and have two more challenge spots open.

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