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Topic: Tournament of Champions #3, Sign up Request Forum
08:40 PST
sounds like fun

Only an A, but I try hard!  

16:36 PST
TC #3 - sign up

I'm all of the above - A/B/C

16:46 PST
It's a long way to the top if you want to......

I'm in - qualifying A/B and past C!

16:53 PST
Count me in.

Looking forward to #3!!

People are more important than ranking, being right, winning, winning an argument, etc. The <b>comradarie and the process</b> is more important than the tournament.

Here we go!

17:44 PST
Very Well Put!

That is exactly the spirit I was looking for and it took our elder statesman lilwarrior to bring it out!

Oldman69 had a good idea and I like it. If we can get enough people (like say around 30-40), we can split into 2 different brackets with the top 8 in each bracket playing to go on. One option this gives us is the ability to possibly separate the brackets by similar time zones, which might help the matches move quicker.

Getting some new people and I love it. Keep the invitations going out!

17:52 PST

I think that idea will work well. I'm good any way we do it though.

18:30 PST
TC #3

Signing up and qualifying under A and C. This should be a lot of fun. Thanks Abriscoe and KK.

18:40 PST
TC #3 sign up

Sign me up as a past #1 and 1825+
thank you andy

19:17 PST
Count me in

A B C and on a journey to look for a TC trophy!!

22:21 PST
Finally wait is over

Count me in pz on the B n C options....

and yes I m the 1st one to register myself with BC options  

i will take the liberty to invite few other champion players who really like to play fast.....

Thanks lilwarrior for introducing me with this Tourney...ZE is exciting again

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