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Topic: Nations Tourney 10??
This message thread has been closed for new posts by ChWaqasAhmed on 16-Sep-2021, 17:37 PST.
11:57 PST
Nations Tourney 10??

Any news and plans about Nations Tourney 10?

22:25 PST
@ ChWaqasAhmed

I still can be the scorer but i do want no comments about changing anything in the rules and the at speed the players play.
I thing this tournament is very nice to play and I want to congratulate yiannakos to be the host and ricetta to the Web Master.

08:16 PST

I'm ready be on team Texas USA.

01:09 PST

Hi i play on Iran Team.

01:44 PST
Any interest?

The team is ready to go IF there is interest out there.
Please let your friends know to register your interest here, in this thread.

PS. Get all your criticism out of your system NOW (on Djokovic, Simone Biles, whoever) as I have become deaf in my old age and cannot hear what critics have to say  

04:07 PST

I am pleased that Yiannakos and Ricetta want to organize a 10 nations tournament! Since I would like to play for Germany, I'll write to a few German players. Since among us German players, communication is sometimes a bit more difficult! But maybe there is one or the other German who would like to play in a German team!  
I wish everyone a nice weekend Regina

13:13 PST
@ Regina

What about me the scorer. I am the one who have the bigger job to do.
Taking care of the score is not a easy job, take me a lot of time and concentration to read all the posts in the scoring thread.

Thank you very much Regina

01:34 PST

Please excuse me @Bonne Chance for not mentioning your work which is great! For me it is not easy to write in English because it is a foreign language for me. Many Greetings Regina

03:30 PST
NL-Team for NT10

The Netherlands endorse a fresh, free and fun-loving NT10, where players play fast and make space for their opponents.

The NL-team consists of:
Annamarina - captain.
Hamilton 57

Looking forward to meet like-minded players and teams from all over the world.  

00:47 PST
Team Europe

If there are enough players to form an Europe team, I would like to play in the team.

Please contact me if you do need a player, also for any mixed team.

Best regards


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