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Topic: Is the competition getting stronger??
22:44 PST
Is the competition getting stronger??

Just looking at the ladder, I noticed that 5 of the top 10 players had ratings of 1800+ and 5 players had ratings in the high 1700s.

The top 3 players all had ratings of over 1800.

I seem to remember that not so long ago, players with ratings in the 1600's were dominating the top positions on the ladder.

So, is the competition getting stronger or is it just coincidence that there are currently no players ranked in the 1600's In the top 10?

Yes - I am aware that by the time this thread gets read the positions on the ladder will have changed.

04:15 PST

.....Could be. However I am not sure how much stock to put into rankings. For example, I am teaching my kids to play on this site and my ZE ranking and ladder ranking often fluctuate all over the map depending on their individual skill levels. What I like about the ZE administrators with regard to childish behavior is that they take action fairly quickly after bad behavior is flagged and reported. Other sites I have tried have not been nearly as good as ZE about this. Learning to play on ZE has provided some great examples of the importance of good sportsmanship. Best of luck on the ladder!  

04:33 PST
Oh, and for what it's worth...

....the ladders can be fun, but the CTs actually have much better competition, the games progress much faster, and rude behavior isn't tolerated. You should try it sometime!  

17:04 PST
It's a slippery slope...

What's the name of the guy who was condemned to push a rock uphill for eternity..?  

03:37 PST

It was Sisyphus!
Not to be confused with Tantalus who was eternally thirsty as every river, stream and lake withdrew when they saw him coming  

20:22 PST

Knew it started with an S but thought his initials were SSB  

00:18 PST
Very sad....

....when you think about it.  

13:57 PST
very heady stuff


05:12 PST

I knew someone would know it, thanks!  

17:00 PST


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