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Topic: RESULTS - Nations tournament (part 2)
01:38 PST
Unofficial ZooEscape Tourneys Web Site

Is it a reason I do not see no more result of the Nation Tournament on the web site ????
On the spread sheet of TC # 5, the result of Nation Tournament is there, I cannot update because i cannot find the result on the Unofficial ZooEscape Tourneys Web Site.

01:41 PST
its not updated there

Nations Tourney is not updated fully on KK web site
u can ask yiannakos for the updated RESULTS

01:46 PST
Nation Tourney

I have taken the Nations Tourney off the site. I asked Y to give me updated spreadsheets that I could place on the site but have never received any. I started doing the results myself at first but due to it being a rather drawn out tourney and rather confusing I asked Y to do the updates. If I get given something that can be used I can easily put it back but what I have is rather outdated.

03:34 PST
Nation Tournament

Thanks chwaqasahmed and KumaraKid for your answer.
I will try to resolve this confusion with yiannakos in private.

I am very sorry I post it on the forum, I should ask you, KumaraKid, in private.

03:39 PST
never mind

You are always welcome to post anything on the forum...

Others should know how much effort u guys are putting  

11:07 PST
Reply sent

Just happened to browse through the forums and saw this.  
I have just re-sent my spreadsheet to KumaraKid and hope this time he gets it.

To avoid all confusion, let's post any difficulties with my sheet or updating the site here.

Many thanks and Happy 2014!  

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