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Topic: Is the competition getting stronger??
21:14 PST
Explanations for rating inflation

Some ranking algorithms naturally raise the average ratings over time. I could look up and put down the math for the reasons why, but I don't want to bore anyone.

Ideally, if the ratings algorithm worked properly and no one dropped out or came onto the ladder there would be equal numbers of players above and below say 1600. Another factor is the dropout rate for high ranked versus low rank players. If the low ranking people bail out and you have nothing but higher ranked ones left it wouldn't matter what the algorithm did to the ratings, ratings would increase.

Personally, I would like to see the ratings reflect the skill of who you played and how experienced they are. I would also like to see them recalibrated every couple of years to prevent ratings inflation because of a poor algorithm.

Overall, ZE is a great site. There are plenty of competitive players and it is well-run and maintained.

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