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Topic: Doubling Cube
15:22 PST
Sorry Artin

You can't allow doubling just once then it takes away the power of making an opponent who took a close double from redoubling an opponent out of the game when he gets a key hit or doubles in a race.The doubling cube makes people think at all times whether to go on in the game when they should drop. One double only also allows more of theses rescue dice to win a game you shouldn't' even be in which happens many times in these one point matches.

Using the doubling cube should not affect the rantings--only winning the match or not affects the ratings and the cube can help someone get there faster.

15:38 PST
If implemented, the doubling cube would be just an option

Yes, the doubling cube would be an option -- something that would exist for some games, but not necessarily all.

It's looking like people want to have the cube available so we are in the process of working out the details of its use and then we'll be on to implementation. We appreciate all of the opinions/suggestions in this thread!

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