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Topic: question
15:27 PST
real-time messages

I agree totally on the last two comments. It's not only difficult when you're playing more games but even more difficult when you're playing more games with the same player. When you add a comment about a certain game it's hard to explain which game you mean.

16:59 PST
Re: real-time messages

It's coming soon  

05:47 PST
fast games w/ chat

For a good example this idea in practice, check out Egyption Backgammon at The page layout works well and games play very fast. My thinking is that it will work best if fast games are played in a separate virtual room that players can enter to meet a particular opponent or join/start a game with all the usual options available.

05:50 PST
game & tournaments a real time !!!

I think it's a great idea...

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