Backgammon Online

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How To Play Expert:
Correctly fill in the missing elements of the Sudoku board to find the unique solution.
Click on an empty square of the Sudoku board to select it.
Once a square is selected, the left, right, up, and down arrow keys may be used to select a different square.
Click on an element in the list or press a key from 1 to 9 to modify the value in the selected square.
To clear a value in a square, repeat the value that is in the selected square or click the empty square in the element list.
To mark a value as a 'guess', click on the selected square. Click again to unmark it.
Click the 'Edit Pencil Marks' checkbox or right click on a square to toggle the edit mode. (Pencil mark editing allows the player to enter potential values for the square without committing to a value.)
To clear a pencil mark value, repeat the value of the pencil mark in the selected square.
Once the Sudoku puzzle is solved, the player's score is incremented.
Every element must occur in each row exactly one time on the Sudoku board.
Every element must occur in each column exactly one time on the Sudoku board.
Every element must occur in each box exactly one time on the Sudoku board.
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