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Topic: Backgammon Blitz League (BBL)
13:13 PST

This post was deleted by BossyBear on 27-Mar-2023, 13:14 PST

13:14 PST

I wish players wouldn't resign when they are losing. Please!

If you have a long list of games you may not see that the player is no longer in your list of games and you might not see that you won and then you don't report your win. You could needlessly earn a yellow card.

09:20 PST

Excellent thought Bear. I agree.

09:57 PST

Just remind Leoton's words, on 26-Mar-2023 when BBl17 started:
"A few additional suggestions to speed up the games:
a) Communicate with your opponents to see what time of the day is best for both of you to be online.
b) If you happen to be on the losing side and your game is out of reach, consider resigning and updating the website with the result yourself as your opponent might not notice that the game was over. "

10:15 PST
Clarification on yellow cards

Resigning games that are out of reach should definitely help speeding up the pace. In these situation, the person resigning the game should submit the result. The yellow cards for non-reporting will not be given to the game winners by resignation.

22:55 PST
Quick Tournament and Thank you

First BBL and it is all over before it began. Not the results I was hoping for but good quick games.
Thankyou leoton for the organising and collating of results.
Any thoughts of doing it monthly  
Bring on the next one.

12:18 PST
QF with Steelerhead

Wow. Those were unique games. So many turning points and lucky off the bars. Both BG and NG were one pip wins for me.

Great match. Great opponent.

14:08 PST
QF with Steelerhead

Ok. In total, Steeler had 5 pips left that had a total count of 6. Unprecedentedly close. So many hits and good plays, and squeeking off the bar for me. Great match Steelerhead.

08:05 PST
Great games

Great games with Lilwarrior. It could go either way in all three games... Good luck to all remaining players for the rest of the tournament. Big thanks to Leoton for running everything especially with a new playoffs format. I like it a lot.

21:11 PST

There's a shocker, lilwarrior lucks out lol.

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