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Topic: Announcements
09:49 PST

I lost three friends to cancer this year, one of them just Wednesday. I'm so very sorry to learn of his passing. Thank you for sharing this with us.

10:01 PST
Bonne chance

Thanks for the information. I had a feeling that he had passed. Sure enjoyed playing him for years.

14:05 PST
Bonne Chance

Rest In Peace, Alain! We will miss him here at ZE…

21:48 PST
Bonne Chance

Thank you for letting us know, John.
I hope Alain did not have to suffer and could pass away peacefully.
What a dreadful disease!

My condolences to you all !

12:52 PST

I count Alain as a friend. We had many wonderful games and conversations. We were this close to meeting in person once in Vancouver - that would have been special.

I hope I'll see him on the other side.

13:57 PST

Sheerah, I am so sorry for your loss.

18:02 PST

Thank you lilwarrior. I appreciate that.

13:03 PST
Shocking news

Oooho very shocking and sad news to hear, a great loss...
He will be missed here, although last couple of years I hv not played much here but still I had one active game always against him...

A very friendly and good person, he helped us in lot of tourneys and was always up for fast play..
Goodbye my friend!

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